Bravo Primus & Congratulations On A Job Well Done!
As the brutality of the Russian invasion unfolds in front of our very eyes, our worries and concerns about the suffering of Ukraine, the pandemic, the struggling economy, and the global threats — are at all times high.
Understandably, as we watch the surreal and erratic appearances of the new Napoleon of Russia on our phones, laptops, and TV sets — the tolerance for Internet failures is at all times low.
Now, I wrote about customer service before and covered the good, the bad, and the plain ugly — at a wide range of corporate giants. And You can read about some of my past experiences in:
· Primus Internet — The Worst Customer Service Of My Entire Life?
· Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Is Google Fairest Of Them All?
My stories are real and reflect actual experiences. And my objective is TO HELP the companies to elevate their customer service and improve customers’ experiences.
As it happened, Primus was the latest protagonist in my customer service reports. For a while, I didn’t have too many problems with their service — until the last month. It all started with frequent interruptions of my Internet access and the loss of Wi-Fi connectivity.
As a result, almost daily, I had to reset my pod by disconnecting its power adaptor and waiting for a few minutes for the Wi-Fi to come back…
So, I’ve decided to send a short email to Primus’ customer service and complain. And this is when I noticed a huge improvement over my past interactions…
So, What Happened Next?
Shortly after writing to Primus, I received the notification that my complaint has been assigned a case number that it is being investigated. Moreover, I was told that the attending technician did see the frequent reboots of the pod and that more tests will be done at Primus’ end.
After a few days, I was notified that the new pod has been couriered to my address and that I should promptly replace the old hardware with the new unit — which I did…
Now, replacing the pod is quite straightforward. All it takes is to connect the modem cable to the pod and plug in the pod’s power supply. Simple, isn’t it?
A few minutes later, the green light came on and the pod was working. All I had to do is to use my laptop to find the new Wi-Fi and… connect to it. And by “connecting”, I mean to type the new pod’s name and to enter the password that is typed at its bottom.
Now, all I had to do is to RENAME the new pod and restore the original password I used on all other devices connected to my Wi-Fi network. Once more, not too difficult — but it didn’t work…
The pamphlet that came with the pod assured me that changing the name and the password of the new pod is quite straightforward. All I had to do is to use a specific app on my phone to do so. So, I downloaded the app and started the process…
The first step was to allow the app to DETECT my pod. In reality, it meant to bring my phone into close proximity to my pod, and to wait for the magic to happen…
Well, it didn’t. But I was told by the app not to worry and to try again. And again, and again… Lo and behold, the app even suggested resetting my Bluetooth settings on the phone and to try again…
As time was passing and I was getting late for my next Zoom call — I called Primus’ Technical Support. And while looking for their phone number I immediately noticed that the service is now available… 24/7.
Truth be told, it didn’t take long until the technician answered my call. And after a quick debriefing, I was asked to connect my phone to the new Wi-Fi, before trying to use the app.
Problem solved! After connecting the phone to my new Wi-Fi, the app recognized the new pod, and I could change the name and the password — as originally planned.
Admittedly, I never thought that my phone needs to log into the WiFi router before the app begins to work. All the repeated references to Bluetooth made me think that the app can identify the pod via Bluetooth. Oh, well, go figure…
Now, the pamphlet could have explained it. Of course, it would have saved me and probably many others a lot of time… But since we are not living in a perfect world, good technical support would do instead — at least for now…
In Conclusion
Primus took my past complaints to heart and SIGNIFICANTLY improved its Customer Service. It is now responsive, immediate, and effective — 24/7. I can only hope that such welcome changes are here to stay…
Well done, Primus, keep up the good work! You learned… “The best entrepreneurs learn all the time. Average ones, only learn from their experience. The worst entrepreneurs — already have all the answers” — inspired by Socrates…
For More Information
Please see my additional posts on Linkedin, Twitter, Medium, and CGE’s website.
AI Boogeyman
You can also find additional info in my book on amazon: “AI Boogeyman — Dispelling Fake News About Job Losses”, and on our YouTube Studio channel… Thank you.
“BODs Serve Investors, Advisory Boards Are CEOs’ Best Friends”
• By definition, entrepreneurs… solve problems. And I’ve been solving a lot of problems over the last 30+ years.
• Some problems thought me the most effective ways to expedite customers’ “buy-in” by solving the so-called “DO NOTHING” decision-making and the bias of the “STATUS QUO”. So, I wrote about it in my LinkedIn post: “The Curse Of Doing Nothing”.
• Other challenges made me realize how to deal with ambiguity and make decisions despite the insufficient data — please see: “The Power Of The OPPOSITES”. And since imitation works best in karaoke bars, not in business, I join Advisory Boards to unlock Radical Innovation.
• Good advisors help increase REVENUES & reduce COSTS. Great ones, turn COST into PROFIT centers — so I deliver the right KEE (Knowledge, Experience, and Expertise) to do so.
• Warren Buffett once said: “predicting rain doesn’t count; building arks, does”. So, while in the past, I helped thousands of Cleantech companies to succeed — now, I design & deploy our own organically grown startups.
• We launch organically grown moonshots — but instead of flying the rich to the moon, we bring the moonshots down to earth…
• Moreover, I am convinced that Digitization, IT, and Artificial Intelligence are causing the greatest disruption of the last 50 years. I welcome such ambitious transformations and my goal is to help progressive entities to embrace BusinessAI™ advice.
• As a founder of Canada Green ESCO Inc. (CGE), I used BusinessAI™ strategies in Cleantech — focused on fighting Climate Change & utility-scale Environmental Risks. In total, CGE raised $1B+ in project finance linked to solar, wind, geothermal, Waste-To-Energy (WTE), energy efficiency, and more.
• Now, I help maximize returns also in Fintech and other sectors. And I apply the same structured finance expertise I acquired through financing Cleantech projects.
• My pattern recognition abilities allow me to see what is still missing & how to maximize business offerings & profitability. And as a coach & mentor, I bring unparalleled business savvy to separate the wheat from the chaff…
• What I learned over the years is that it is not just technology innovation that makes all the difference. Business Model Innovation is as disruptive as Technology Innovation and yet I see too many companies focused on pushing their product out the door — while losing ~70% of untapped revenue streams…