Nadya — World’s Best Reinvention Officer
COVID-19 hit us hard. But it also opened our eyes to many misguided economic doctrines dominating our lives for decades.
It does not matter what acronyms are being used: Business Round Table (BRT), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) — the point is that Capitalism 2.0 is changing, and it’s changing for the better.
So, ESG is a relatively new buzzword — but so is the BRT declaration: “Americans deserve an economy that allows each person to succeed through hard work and creativity and to lead a life of meaning and dignity. We believe the free-market system is the best means of generating good jobs, a strong and sustainable economy, innovation, a healthy environment and economic opportunity for all”
Say what you want, but to me, this is a truly TECTONIC shift! It will eliminate the management’s exclusive focus on reaching the ROI figures “by any means necessary”. As a result, we should see a significant increase in long-term economic prosperity and a decrease in financial fraud — a great change leading to restoring market integrity!
Over the last year, I watched with great admiration the growing body of work of Nadya Zhexembayeva — and her remarkable social media presence. And nobody talks more about change nowadays than Nadya does — the true Global Reinvention Officer and a rising star on the global change management stage. So, I was extremely pleased to hear about her upcoming book and read her 85-page preview of “The Chief Reinvention Officer Handbook” — soon to be released.
Now, we all have our most favourite business books. I’ve been mentioning for years the “Blue Ocean Strategy”, or “From Good to Great”, etc. Nadya’s handbook is going to end up on my bookshelf, too. And to emphasize my compliment in a single sentence, I say: “Telcos Should Give It Away For Free! — it’s so good, that when you reach the last page, you’ll call the author and ask when is the next update due — even if it’s a long-distance call”
Nadya’s book is like a breath of fresh air — full of authenticity and unique wisdom forged by a painful past of growing up under the communist regime. I know all about such pain — and I described it in my post: Capitalism 2.0 At Davos.
And as far as Nadya’s new handbook goes, below are my reflections on some of her memorable observations such as:
To Thrive In Constant Chaos
“The challenge we face isn’t about trying to survive until things stabilize, but rather about learning to thrive in constant chaos. That happens only when we accept that change is no longer a project and build a well-thought-out reinvention system that works. My goal is to help you build such a system”
For such a reason, I always recommend that BODs insist and mandate CEOs to establish an outstanding Advisory Board of their choosing! As mentioned in my LinkedIn post: To Do What It Takes:
“Years ago, I coined a simple tag line that gradually became a part of my email signature: BODs Serve Investors, Competent Advisory Boards Are CEOs’ Best Friends. And I truly believe in what I say! Bringing competent advisers on board is a smart move! A good adviser will help reconsider the validity of the CEO’s assumptions and a good Advisory Board improves the decision-making process and helps the CEO considering different perspectives. Besides, many advisers become the proverbial Sounding Boards to the CEO. So, every CEO should have one!”
No, the Advisory Boards are not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of strength. And nothing will help you more to succeed in “reinventing” — if you have a trusted advisor at your side…
Millennials and GenZs in particular grew up having unprecedented access to data thanks to social media — but they also need more help from the Nadya’s of this world to use the raw information wisely, and to make better and smarter decisions… So, I often remind the much younger CEOs: “Data gives us the facts; Facts give us the information; Information gives us the Knowledge; Knowledge turns into Wisdom, and Wisdom offers an ultimate Advice leading to a better decision”
Outdated Management Tools
“As globalization, technology, interconnectedness, and many other trends continue to bring volatility and uncertainty to our world, we seem to be stuck with management tools and assumptions that are outdated and life-threatening to our business”
But while others are complaining about the situation and saying the same thing over and over again — Nadya is building the tools to fight it. Better yet, she also delivers such tools to you — with a click of a button. Yes, Warren Buffett said it the best in his Noah Rule: “Predicting rain doesn’t count. Building arks… does”
A Call to Action
“Turn change and disruption into an opportunity. Grow reinvention into your superpower, your core competence, your compass throughout the uncertainty, volatility, and chaos of our world. Welcome to our global reinvention movement. We’ve been waiting for you”
And now, the most revealing fact behind Nadya’s Reinvention Revolution: “The book is co-created by 3,000+ reinventors from over 40 countries — ready to help you with best practices, ideas, and lessons learned”. Besides, Nadya is on a mission: “We are on a ONE BILLION MISSION — To provide one billion people with strong resilience and reinvention skills so that they can ride the waves of change, rather than get crushed by them”
Granted, as her vast network and the Reinvention Communities grow, Nadya is no longer in need to climb the barricades as Gavroche did in the 1862 novel “Les Misérables” by Victor Hugo. And it’s a good thing — we will all need her radical guidance for many years…
Reinvention Is Not A Spectator Sport
“Reinvention is not a spectator sport. Just as you cannot grow your physical muscles by reading a book about push-ups, you cannot grow your reinvention muscles by reading the words on these pages. You have to live it”
True, you can’t be just a little bit pregnant either. So, participating in Nadya’s REINVENTION webinars is not enough. You need to be COMMITTED… But when I say committed, I don’t mean it in a negative “bacon and eggs” connotation…
To Thrive — Not Just Survive
“The key question is not how we survive until the storm is over. The key question is how we learn to use the storm to power up our sails. And for that, we have to start by understanding and embracing the storm”
Despite the recent adversities, I do not doubt that companies are also facing a unique opportunity to REINVENT the entire Value Proposition of their respective industries. Based on my 30+ years of entrepreneurial experiences, I’m convinced that the Reinvention Strategy succeeds — when entities are READY to act and are keenly OPPORTUNISTIC.
In addition, such entities must also be LUCKY to be at the right time and at the right place — to take advantage of the opportunity at hand. After all, a lot of effort went into the preparations toward exploiting the right opportunities and building competence to take advantage of the new reality as it unfolds.
And as far as luck goes, Daniel Kahneman, the Nobel Prize winner in Behavioral Economics said it the best:
Continuous Reinvention Is A Journey, Not A Destination…
“Instead of looking at strategy as a rigid plan, we need to create a format and a process that allows for continuous reinvention”
Agree! And it is not about how to score one hit — it’s a process to optimize the performance & beat the odds, repeatedly. In each case, the process is uniquely adapted to address diverse mission statements and purposeful objectives of each entity.
If the entity already has considerable domain-specific expertise, it’s time to start looking for outside-the-box thought-leaders. After all, the most successful entities are striking the BALANCE between:
· Domain-specific experts AND generalists
· Mile-deep AND mile-wide points of view
· Strategists AND tacticians
· Leaders AND managers, etc.
Why? Because there are significant benefits to BOTH. And only by using both types of advisers, the companies can gain from new and innovative recommendations and insights. The best turnarounds and pivots occur when companies take outside advice seriously…
I recommend using the following COMMON-SENSE approach to solve the proverbial Expert/Generalist dilemma:
· Generalists — use such outside advisors to reinvent old business models & generate new growth strategies
· Experts — use domain-specific experts to significantly accelerate, enhance, and optimize the revived growth strategies
· Verifiers — repeat the process when the growth flattens…
Truth be told, when I first came across Nadya’s article at Harvard Business Review: 3 Things You’re Getting Wrong About Organizational Change — I got hooked! If you read it, too — then you already know how powerful and how elegant her 3 simple messages are:
· From “best practice” to “best failures”
· From “don’t fix it if ain’t broken” to “break it before anyone else”
· From “asset hoarding to asset sharing”
Yet, what you may still not know, is that if you subscribe to her emails — Nadya will send you a truly outstanding set of resources that you can download and read — day after day! One such document I truly like. It’s called: “Built to Reinvent, The Ten Commandments of Today’s Sustainable Company”
Now, I’m not going to spoil you the fun and recycle Nadya’s Ten Commandments. But what I’m going to do is to relate to some of her brilliant observations and tell you a real story that is linked to my own experiences. And it is all about TRUE BUSINESS CASES I encountered and solved — which to me, makes Nadya’s wisdom much more relatable and real.
I’ll start with the notion of Ten Commandments and put it in the context of Nadya’s inseparability of Strategy from Execution, or Leadership from Management. She makes it clear: you need both to succeed! How true! So, it begs the question:
Is it possible that Moses came up with the world’s greatest reinvention strategy summed up in just 10 short sentences? Perhaps he did. However, letting the Israelites wander for 40 years in a dessert before reaching the Holy Land — does not strike me as an example of the world’s most brilliant execution. Now, I’m not sure if Nadia can part water, but she delivers on both fronts…
But all this happened in biblical times. So, a few years ago I wrote about how Strategy AND execution are inseparable in my post, entitled: “3 Tips To Avoid Startup Funeral — And A Story Of How Not To Paint Yourself Into A Corner”.
And to drive the inseparability message across, I said to the VC-backed startups: “If you already took Other People’s Money, you might as well learn from Other People’s Mistakes. Leave Strategy AND Execution joined at the hip”
My story, in particular, touches on Nadya’s commandment #10 — “FIRST REINVENT YOUR BUSINESS MODEL”. She says: “Most companies are obsessed with the technical side of things, focusing all reinvention efforts on the product or process re-engineering. Technical innovation is a sexy topic, and innovative products are all the rage”
Nadya asks the following question: “Built into the hype is a strong assumption: to survive, you must possess the best technology, get technically savvy, or get killed. Does this assumption hold true in the real world?”
And to answer this question, Nadya says: “We must come back to our old friends Kodak and Nokia. The lack of technological innovation was NOT the thing that brought down both companies. Kodak invented digital photography, while Nokia owned nearly 50% of the smartphone market at its prime. So, it was not the technology that got them killed. It’s not like they were producing horse carriages and suddenly got run over by the first car manufacturers. Both, Kodak and Nokia had the technology. But it did not make one bit of difference”
How true! It’s not just the technology that matters! I learned the hard way that Business Model Innovation is as disruptive as Technology Innovation. More than 20 years ago, I started an ambitious artificial intelligence software company — International Neural Machines Inc.
We developed a very accurate recognition of specific words within the unconstrained audio recording. It was as good and as accurate already then as Siri is today. But we couldn’t sell — even with a formidable partner at our side: Verizon. And we couldn’t sell our innovative solution no matter how hard we tried. Until we did — and you can read more about it in: Keyword Spotting — The Art Of Listening & Observing.
In Conclusion
When one asks about what personality traits describe Oprah Winfrey, it often mentions the following:
• She works hard…
• She’s not afraid of change…
• She spends her money wisely…
Well, I don’t know how much “moolah” Nadia makes, or how well she spends it. But if 2 of the above descriptions are on target — I suggest that we all move on… Yes, Nadya “The Reinvention Star”, and “The Queen Of Reinventions” is born. And one day, she might even become “The Oprah Of Kazakhstan”, too…
1) I’m in the business of joining Advisory Boards (ABs) with a single mission: to Reinvent Corporate Prosperity. My goal is to stop the Dreams of Wealth from becoming Nightmares of Poverty. And as a 30-yr BusinessAI™ veteran, I offer what no other advisor ever dared to do…
2) You may ask, why is my AB offering so unique? Simply put, no other advisor Proposes, Designs, Structures, Finances, and Deploys turn-key Joint Ventures to deliver RapidRevenues™ and SustainableProfits™. Just as I did w/ Verizon already 20-yr ago…
3) It’s all about RESULTS — or I do not get paid. Hence, I turn promising Unicorns into proud stallions, instead of little ponies… And it starts with learning about where the companies are now, where they want to be in the future, and how I can help such companies to get there. And to make the process smarter & cheaper, I tap into huge pools of nonconventional funding with surgical precision.
4) I am at that stage in my life where I don’t care about BOD politics and water-cooler gossips. Nor do I offer fake flatteries to CEOs. All I care about is how to solve CEOs’ problems & deliver results.
5) So, I join Advisory Boards to do so! And it is not about how to score one hit. It’s a unique process to optimize the performance & beat the odds, repeatedly — as I bring supreme business savvy to separate the wheat from the chaff…
Stay safe, stay healthy!