Ten CEO Advisory Gifts of Wisdom — Part 2
Wisdom #11
Every CEO Should Know This Three Letters Tale:
A new CEO asks for advice & an outgoing CEO prepares the 3 letters — each to be read when “the going gets tough”
- 1st letter said: Blame the old management
- 2nd letter said: Reorganize
- 3rd letter said: It’s time to prepare your own three letters…
Wisdom #12
CEOs that can AND can’t be helped…
Wisdom #13
Successful companies need both: Visionary CEOs & Talented Advisers. “Talent is the natural ability to do something well” — Collins Dictionary
Wisdom #14
My Law of the Opposites:
· For every closed-minded CEO, one can always find an open-minded BOD member
· For every indifferent BOD, one can always find a motivated stakeholder
· For every narcissistic millionaire, there is always an empathetic billionaire
· For every unyielding politician, there is always the court of public opinion
Wisdom #15
Don’t procrastinate, act NOW! Good decisions are not to be “marinated” like Moishes’ pickles…
Wisdom #16
“Amateurs don’t use coaches; the top athletes do… and so should you”
Wisdom #17
Form an exceptional Advisory Board — ASAP. If you don’t, your BOD may soon bring a Co-CEO for you…
Wisdom #18
The top 3 priorities of EVERY CEO:
· Increase PROFITABILITY of existing business
· Add new CAPABILITIES to existing business
· Explore OPPORTUNITIES beyond existing business
Wisdom #19
Still imitating competitors instead of creating new markets? Sooner, or later, you’ll be branded as a boring imposter/meme spreader…
Wisdom #20
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts…
AI-Driven EAs + Strategic Adviser = CEO Greatest Assets
For More Information…
For more information, please see my posts on LinkedIn, Twitter, Medium, and CGE’s website.
AI Boogeyman
You can also find additional info in my book on amazon: “AI Boogeyman — Dispelling Fake News About Job Losses”, and on our YouTube Studio channel… Thank you.
“BODs Serve Investors, Advisory Boards Are CEOs’ Best Friends”
Imitation works best in karaoke bars, not in business. To escape the competition, businesses need to constantly reinvent. I join Advisory Boards and bring the operational KEE (Knowledge, Experience, and Expertise) to Radical Innovation. And my Know-How is a direct result of a 30-yr Entrepreneurial Journey.
There is not a single top athlete who does not have a coach. And yet, only 20% of CEOs are coached by Advisors. The other 80% — may never become the top performers they could have been. Thus, my advice to CEOs: “Amateurs don’t use coaches, professionals do… and so should you”.
As a 30-yr BusinessAI™ veteran, I offer hands-on AI investment advice to VC & PE portfolio companies. In many cases, I deliver results in 30–90 days by structuring JVs to bring untapped revenue streams — just as I already did w/ Verizon 20-yrs ago…
I used advanced BusinessAI™ strategies in Cleantech for 12 yrs. Now, I help VC & PE funds to maximize their returns also in Healthcare, Fintech, Transportation, and Construction industries. And I apply the same structured finance expertise I acquired through financing over $1B of Renewable Energy projects.
So, I Propose, Design, Structure, Finance, and Deploy state-of-the-art Joint Ventures to bring RAPID & SUSTAINABLE REVENUES. And as a coach & mentor, I bring business savvy to separate the wheat from the chaff. My pattern recognition abilities allow me to see what is still missing & how to maximize business offerings & profitability…
What I learned over the years is that it is not just technology innovation that makes all the difference. Business Model Innovation is as disruptive as Technology Innovation and yet I see too many companies focused on pushing their product out the door — while losing ~70% of untapped revenue streams.
My LeanBOD™ recommendation? Mandate CEO Advisory Boards — the fastest way to accelerate Scale-Up & Expansion, Revenue Growth, Margin Enhancement & Opening New Channels.
SELECT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Using AI in CT medical diagnostic, financial fraud detection, solar PV, wind, WTE, energy efficiency, etc. Finance skills: equity, non-recourse debt, balance sheet financing, and tax equity. I also took a tiny startup public, building a $135MM enterprise & received funding from NRC & DND. Academic R&D collaborations included: UW, UofG, UofT, and MCC Consortium in Texas.